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Ca­te­go­ry ­Ma­na­ger ­Lo­gis­tics

  • Home Office:Teilweise möglich
  • Einstiegsgehalt:No data
  • Berufserfahrung:>5 Jahre
  • Startdatum:2/27/2025
  • Befristung:Ohne Befristung
Nenzing, Österreich1 week ago
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Are you looking to make a real impact? For over a century, our people have been the driving force in solving some of the world’s most pressing issues – and we hope you’ll join us in solving the next century’s. Whether you're working to close the loop at one of our recycling facilities or ensuring efficient renewable energy processes to decarbonize aluminium production, your contributions make an impact in our shared purpose of propelling our industries and the world into a greener future.

Hydro Extrusions is a world-leading aluminium extrusion business counting around 100 production sites in 40 countries and employing 20,000 people. Through our unique combination of local expertise, global network, and unmatched R&D capabilities, we can offer everything from standard profiles, to advanced development and manufacturing for most industries.

Dein Profil

Business trips can be expected according to project requirements up to 30% per year. The candidate selected for this role will have to work on a hybrid mode, home office combined with some days/week in the closest Hydro Extrusions production plant. The vacancy can be filled in any European location of our organization.
  • Minimum of 7 years of experience, although prefer 10+ years, working in Procurement, Strategic Sourcing, Category Management, Supply Chain, Logistics Operations, or related field.
  • Experience with Logistics category, preferably across multiple modes of transportation (trucks, rail, and ocean freight).
  • Experience leading and participating within project teams to achieve defined outcomes.
  • Experience developing a strategic approach to spend categories or supply base.
  • Bachelor’s degree required. Preferred focus in Supply Chain, Finance, Engineering or related field.
  • Highly proficient in Microsoft Office and Powerpoint.
  • Experience with Should-Cost Modeling, Total Cost of Ownership, and ROI analysis.
  • Excellent analytical skills, ability to create and manage complex spreadsheets.
  • Experience with business operating systems, i.e.: Oracle, SAP, preferred.
  • Experience working within a result-oriented project management environment.
  • Collaborative across diverse teams and environments.
  • Strong strategic and analytical capabilities.
  • Independent decision making.
  • Demonstrable leadership skills and business mindset.
  • Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Strong stakeholder management and an ability to influence others.
  • Adaptable to change.
  • Knowledge of basic accounting principles and processes.

Deine Aufgaben

  • The Category Manager – Logistics is responsible for managing the procurement activities with logistics service providers and transport of goods, and a key member of the central Hydro Extrusions Procurement team.
  • The individual holding this position will report directly to the Category Director – Packaging & Logistics and will work closely with internal stakeholders (e.g. operations, supply chain, finance, sales, etc.) and the different Business Unit and Plant Procurement teams.
  • This is a regional role for the Logistics category in Hydro Extrusions, working with ~40 locations throughout Europe across all Business Units (Extrusion Europe, Precision Tubing and Hydro Building Systems).
  • Develop logistics category strategy, supporting the Hydro Extrusions business strategy, based on analysis of internal business requirements and external category trends to deliver improved value for money, mitigate risk and enhance quality and service.
  • Collaborate closely with stakeholders in procurement, operations, supply chain, finance to understand the strategic direction and business priorities to develop implementation plans and build category roadmap.
  • Maintain communication and perform regular strategic alignment with all stakeholders.
  • Track compliance with set category strategies and take corrective actions where needed.
  • Lead Request for Quotations, conduct fact-based negotiations with suppliers (building on supplier and industry analysis, benchmarks, cost structure analysis), review and select suppliers with whom Hydro Extrusions can build long term customer/supplier relationships.
  • Negotiate, draft and finalize multi-year contractual agreements establishing strong commercial, safety, sustainability, ethical and legal contract terms.
  • Manage strategic supplier relationships and dispute resolution through supplier scorecards and business reviews.
  • Measure contract compliance and other key metrics to ensure targets (quality, service, schedules, HSE) are met and value is delivered to the business.
  • Act as a leader in managing the total cost of ownership (TCO) within the category, coordinating actors in procurement as well as functional stakeholders, to seek alternate and innovative ideas and promote standardization of operations to create competitive advantage.
  • Benchmark costs and best practices across plants in Europe and other global Business Units to ensure we maximize value creation across Hydro Extrusions.
  • Measure and track performance of the spend category under your management.
  • Support initiatives to build capabilities within the Hydro Extrusions procurement community through mentorship, idea-generation, leadership, collaboration, and training.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Hydro values diverse skills and perspectives among employees. We encourage all qualified candidates to apply. Qualified applicants will be considered regardless of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, protected veteran status, or disability. We strive to provide equal opportunities for all to contribute and succeed with us.

Diversity improves our ability to act in accordance with The Hydro Way. Therefore all applications will be considered with equal suitability.

Please apply online in ONE with your CV and optionally a cover letter until 27/02/2025.

If you have any question, please contact: Peter Odrobina

Über Lo­gis­ti­ker*in­nen: Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was macht ein Lo­gis­ti­ker*in?

Du behältst gerne den Überblick, wenn allen anderen vor lauter verschiedenen Möglichkeiten die Köpfe rauchen? Darüber hinaus findest du noch die beste aller möglichen Lösungen für ein Problem? Dann könntest du als Logistikexperte oder Speditionskaufmann glücklich werden. Als solcher sorgst du nämlich dafür, den optimalen Warenfluss zwischen Lieferanten, Unternehmen und Kunden herzustellen. Dabei verfolgst du die Waren von der Lieferung des Materials über die Herstellung bis hin zur Auslieferung an deine Kunden. Du überprüfst Menge und Qualität, sorgst für eine sachgemäße Lagerung und einen fristgerechten Transport. Außerdem kontrollierst und erstellst du die dafür notwendigen Dokumente – zum Beispiel für den Zoll – und arbeitest eng mit anderen Abteilungen, wie etwa der Buchhaltung oder dem Verkauf zusammen. Außerdem achtest du darauf, Lager- und Transportkosten möglichst gering zu halten.

Worunter sind Lo­gis­ti­ker*in­nen noch bekannt?

Lo­gis­ti­ker*in­nen sind auch bekannt als: Betriebslogistiker*in, Betriebslogistikkaufmann*frau

Welche Skills benötigt man als Lo­gis­ti­ker*in?

Um ihre Tätigkeit gut ausführen zu können, benötigen Lo­gis­ti­ker*in­nen grundsätzlich folgende Hard Skills:

Fundierte Englischkenntnisse

Außerdem sollte ein Lo­gis­ti­ker*in gewisse Soft Skills mitbringen:

Sprachliches Geschick

Welche Schulfächer sind für einen angehenden Lo­gis­ti­ker*in relevant?

Für die meisten Lo­gis­ti­ker*in­nen ist es hilfreich, an folgenden Schulfächern Interesse zu haben: Deutsch, Englisch, Mathematik, Recht

In welchen Tätigkeitsfeldern arbeiten Lo­gis­ti­ker*in?

Lo­gis­ti­ker*in­nen arbeiten in der Regel in folgenden Tätigkeitsfeldern:

Arbeiten im Büro, Arbeiten mit Daten & Zahlen