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Cy­ber ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ En­gi­nee­r - ­SIE­M (m/w/d)

  • Home Office:Teilweise möglich
  • Einstiegsgehalt:No data
  • Berufserfahrung:2-5 Jahre
  • Startdatum:Ab sofort
  • Befristung:Ohne Befristung
München, Deutschland2 weeks ago
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PAYBACK is a top player in data-driven marketing worldwide. With the ability to develop digital business models and implement technical trends, we are one the leading companies in the data economy. All technical solutions of the PAYBACK program are developed invented and implemented in Germany. Therefore we provide the latest technologies and have cross-functional and agile teams. You want to take responsibility and collaborate your ideas to our unique product? You are ambitious and eager to and move things further? Then you are exactly right with PAYBACK. We are looking forward to you getting to know you.

Dein Profil

  • You have successfully completed a degree in IT security, computer science, business informatics or a comparable field of study
  • You have professional experience in the field of information security / IT security / data protection as well as experience responding to incidents and managing IT security projects
  • You know how to set up and configure SIEM platforms (like Splunk, QRadar, ArcSight, and Elastic) to collect, normalize, and analyze logs from different data sources
  • You have the ability to independently analyze complex security data, develop effective security event correlation rules, and optimize SIEM configurations to improve detection accuracy and reduce false positives
  • Your professional approach is marked by a high degree of autonomy, analytical thinking, and a customer-focused mindset paired with an entrepreneurial spirit and a capacity to collaborate effectively in a team environment
  • You underpin your convincing appearance with target group-oriented communication and strong presentation skills
  • Very good written and spoken English skills round off your profile

Deine Aufgaben

  • You will be responsible for implementing, configuring, and deploying a SIEM platform (Elastic) to meet the organization's security monitoring requirements
  • You integrate data sources, security tools, servers, applications, and network equipment into the SIEM solution
  • You develop and optimize correction rules, alarms and dashboards to detect security incidents and minimize false alarms
  • You configure the log collection and ensure proper processing and storage in accordance with organizational and regulatory requirements
  • Your responsibilities also include analyzing and sorting through security alerts from SIEM and other security solutions (e.g., EDR, firewalls) and providing useful information and actionable steps
  • You regularly monitor, optimize and document the SIEM platform and security metrics and work cross-functionally with various IT teams to ensure full coverage of critical assets
  • You are updated about the latest industry trends, attack methods and security best practices. This allows you to identify opportunities to improve and automate security monitoring processes
  • Another part of your job is to provide support and configure additional security solutions, such as EDR, firewalls, CNAPP, and other relevant systems

Unser Angebot

  • Grow like a Pro: Continue learning through individual professional development, grow with us to shape our future together
  • Tasty Breaks: Every visit to our ESSZIMMER tastes like a short visit to Italy – also for vegetarians and vegans
  • Do it your way: In-house KINDERZIMMER, flexible working hours, 30 vacation days and up to 2 days working from home per week
  • Move it, move it: Our bonus program for your well-being - have fun in our 24/7 TURNHALLE and enjoy our goodies for your body and mind during our health weeks
  • Get Together: Meet and spend leisure time with colleagues – in our SPIELZIMMER, at a Coffee Date, be part of our popular Social Days, ski events and seasonal highlights such as Christmas parties, summer parties and team events
  • Easy Going: Coming to the office is not only fun, but also affordable - we cover the costs of your 'Deutschland-Ticket'

Über IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­lists: Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was macht ein IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­list?

Digitalisierung, Netzwerke, Back Up, Cybersicherheit und Algorithmen sind keine Fremdwörter für dich? Du möchtest wissen wie Daten gesammelt, Hacker-Angriffe verhindert und Viren aufgespürt werden und bist in Sachen Technik immer up to date? Als IT Security Specialist bist du Experte für die Sicherheitssysteme eines Unternehmens. Du passt auf, dass bei der Verarbeitung und Sammlung von Daten keine Lücken entstehen, entwickelst Konzepte, stellst verlorene Daten wieder her, analysierst Risiken und führst Tests durch. Du arbeitest im Team, berätst Kunden in Sicherheitsfragen und hilfst Kollegen aus anderen Abteilungen dabei ihre Systeme vor digitalen Gefahren zu schützen. Falls es dir nichts ausmacht viel Zeit vor dem Computer zu verbringen, du dich gerne mit neuen Technologien auseinandersetzt und in stressigen Situationen problemlos die Ruhe bewahren kannst, solltest du dir überlegen IT Security Specialist zu werden.

Worunter sind IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­lists noch bekannt?

IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­lists sind auch bekannt als: Data Security Specialist

Welche Skills benötigt man als IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­list?

Um ihre Tätigkeit gut ausführen zu können, benötigen IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­lists grundsätzlich folgende Hard Skills:

Juristisches Fachwissen
Umgang mit Zahlen
Kenntnisse im Bereich Datenbanken

Außerdem sollte ein IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­list gewisse Soft Skills mitbringen:


Welche Schulfächer sind für einen angehenden IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­list relevant?

Für die meisten IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­lists ist es hilfreich, an folgenden Schulfächern Interesse zu haben: Informatik, Mathematik, Englisch

In welchen Tätigkeitsfeldern arbeiten IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­list?

IT ­Se­cu­ri­ty­ ­Spe­cia­lists arbeiten in der Regel in folgenden Tätigkeitsfeldern:

Arbeiten mit Daten & Zahlen, Arbeiten mit Technik, Arbeiten am Computer