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QA En­gi­nee­r ­for ­Ge­or­ge (al­l hu­man­s)

  • Home Office:Teilweise möglich
  • Einstiegsgehalt:from from: € 2.000 brutto pro Monat
  • Berufserfahrung:2-5 Jahre
  • Startdatum:Ab sofort
  • Befristung:Ohne Befristung
811 01 Bratislava, Slowakei1 week ago
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Make a difference in the financial life of millions of people: At Erste Digital you are co-creating the digital future, in which better financial health is possible.


Dein Profil

  • Extensive experience in software development and QA, with a deep understanding of QA methodologies.
  • Proficient in object-oriented programming, particularly in Kotlin or Java.
  • Skilled in mobile testing, with hands-on experience using tools like Appium.
  • Confident communicator, fluent in English, with a proactive and self-motivated attitude.
  • A strong advocate for quality, with the ability to independently solve problems and make informed decisions about testing outcomes.

Deine Aufgaben

  • Collaborate closely with developers throughout the entire user story, ensuring a unified approach to delivering market-ready software at the end of each Sprint.
  • Create well-structured and comprehensive test cases, with a focus on quality and thoroughness.
  • Execute automated test scripts using open-source tools to identify and eliminate bugs before they reach production.
  • Contribute to the overall code quality by writing clean, readable, and well-documented code.
  • Engage in Agile methodologies, actively participating in Scrum teams, and working alongside developers and business analysts.

Unser Angebot

  • Possibility to benefit and learn from our international, talented and passionate community at Erste.
  • Interest groups and clubs: Take part in discussions and get involved in projects. Numerous interest groups invite you to engage with a topic.
  • Health Care – Taking care of your health is important. That’s why we contribute to your above standard medical examination and provide a helpline in case of hard lifetime situations. You also receive a salary compensation during sick leave.
  • Work-Life-Balance – Sabbatical, paternity leave, contribution to marriage & childbirth, 4 days of extra holiday per year, contribution to the 3rd pillar and MultiSport card. This is how we promote a balance between work, leisure, and family.
  • Employee Referral Program – Become a talent scout for career opportunities in IT. We are rewarding every successful referral for Erste Digital.
  • A competitive and performance-related salary dependent on your professional and personal qualifications is granted - we are obliged by law to quote the minimum wage of EUR 2000,-- gross per month for this full time position. But this is just a formality, we are more than happy to discuss your actual expectations.

Über In­ge­nieu­re*in­nen: Häufig gestellte Fragen

Welche Skills benötigt man als In­ge­nieur*in?

Um ihre Tätigkeit gut ausführen zu können, benötigen In­ge­nieu­re*in­nen grundsätzlich folgende Hard Skills:

Schreib- und Lesekompetenz

Außerdem sollte ein In­ge­nieur*in gewisse Soft Skills mitbringen:


Welche Schulfächer sind für einen angehenden In­ge­nieur*in relevant?

Für die meisten In­ge­nieu­re*in­nen ist es hilfreich, an folgenden Schulfächern Interesse zu haben: Englisch, Mathematik, Physik, Wirtschaft, Technik

In welchen Tätigkeitsfeldern arbeiten In­ge­nieur*in?

In­ge­nieu­re*in­nen arbeiten in der Regel in folgenden Tätigkeitsfeldern:

Arbeiten mit Technik

Welche ähnlichen Berufe gibt es?

Ähnliche Berufe sind unter anderem:

Ingenieur*in für Elektrotechnik, Qualitätsingenieur*in