Yannick Gouez
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“There is not only one way. There are multiple ways to reach where you want to go. You just need to know exactly, where you want to go.” Yannick Gouez is Consultant and Entrepreneur, so he helps businesses to improve their technology, but also creates companies. “Having a company is like having a child. You have to make it grow, take care of it and that’s time consuming.”


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

First advice would be, be confident, that’s most important thing in life and once you want to achieve something, it’s priceless to have confidence. Second advice would be, do what you like, don’t do things to please others, do it because you like it, do for the patience. Third advice would be, there is not one way, there is multiple ways to reach where you want to go you just need to know exactly that where you want to go and then you can actually go there.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

My name is Yannick Gouez, I’m a consultant and entrepreneur specialized in IT and also music industry.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

Well, the coolest thing about my job is that I am my own boss so I can do whatever I want, it’s kind of cool but it’s a lot of pressure also because if you want to succeed then you have to put yourself to work.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

Biggest limitation is that when you have a family, sometime you are focused more on your business and you cannot enjoy your family because, you know, having a company is like having a child you have to make it grow, take care of it and its time consuming and for your family it might be sometimes hard.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

I’m an entrepreneur so I have created many companies but I’m also a consultant in this field I help businesses to improve their technology but my real passion is to create companies and since I also love music, I’m working in the company around music and live music. My job is about creating something, so there is no predefining task; I’m not yet at the level of really having 9:00 to 5:00 job. Actually what I’m doing is when I wake up in the morning, I focus on what I have achieved I have like a goal, I have a chart with the things I need to do and the things that have been done and I just make things happen taking from my to do list and making them down. It goes from coding the website to working on the business plan or also technology I also need to work on the finance. I need also to study because this trading company needs a lot of studying, so I also read books about startups try to keep in touch with news about investors and the world of startups so it’s basically that.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

I was graduated from engineering school in France, .. I worked as a developer for a mobile and web application for almost six years and I specialized myself into web content management for eight years and then I moved into the consulting part of this business meaning that around technologies I helped companies to improve their performances. Actually I’m really an entrepreneur type so I’m the type of person that wants to create something. So in parallel what I did is to launch many different startups start with the publishing company, internet publishing company that was publishing websites around a multi-cultural lifestyles and then after this company failed I went on to work on more human lifestyle, market place but it failed also but it’s not about failing it’s doing, creating companies. I also did other tries and right now I’m focusing on the music industry because I’m a DJ also and I really think that using this passion for music and put it in my patience for entrepreneurship then I’m going to do something great.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

You don’t need any particular background to be an entrepreneur. You actually need to feel it, feel that you want to build something and then because you need to have certain skills, and you cannot have them all inside of you, then you need to find the right people that will complete you so that you make a team and you create something with them. You need to first be passionate about what you are doing, I think it’s the key, either in passionate to creating business part of it but also passionate about the market on which you are working on so you need this passion and also you need to persistent because when you are an entrepreneur you fail nine time out of ten and you have to try and try again to reach the success.