Lex Limbu
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Zur Anmeldung
“Be really good at maths, because at the end of the day money matters.” This is one advice Lex Limbu would give his 14-year-old self. The coolest part of being a Blogger at lexlimbu.com and Tracing Nepal is, “that I meet so many interesting people. Meeting these people and hearing their stories really inspires me to continue doing what I am doing.”


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

To a 14-year-old self I would encourage or tell myself to take up more extracurricular activities. Maybe learn a musical instrument. Keep learning a foreign language and lastly be really good at Maths because at the end of the day money matters. So yeah.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

On my business card, if I had it then it would have my name Lex Limbu, that am a blogger lexlimbu.com and that I am the founder of Tracing Nepal.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

I think the coolest part about being a blogger and being somebody behind Tracing Nepal is that I get to meet so many interesting people and you know meeting these people and hearing their stories really inspires me to continue doing what I'm doing and also it inspires me to make a difference in whatever that I do and I also get an opportunity to change and question what's happening around the world and hopefully with the questioning and the opportunity to create and experience for others I get to, I don't know, influence somebody's thought. Yeah, that's nice.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

The limitations I believe as a blogger would be because I have to play with words a lot, I do believe that a lot of people may be misunderstanding what I write, what I say. That I believe is a limitation.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

Well, as a blogger on lexlimbu.com I am kind of responsible for informing my readers about what's happening within Nepali Diaspora all over the world and informing, updating them about entertainment scene and various things keeping them updated basically. Working day, it really depends on what I do because I don't have 9-5 structure or an office space yet so it's like finding a quite place where I can really be in tune with my laptop and letting the power of words take over.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

I was born in the Eastern Town in Nepal and at the age of two I left Nepal and I had my childhood in Brunei. After that I moved to the UK where I've been living since the year 2000 where I've done my education, high school and everything and as a bored teenager I started writing and making YouTube blogs and I think that's how the whole lexlimbu.com and me as a blogger kind of erupted.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

Yeah, I definitely believe that anyone can be a blogger and anyone can be... You know anyone can start something like Tracing Nepal. It's not rocket science but they won't be able to do it as exact as me so that's the difference. To be a good blogger you have to be very consistent you have to be... You have to think a lot about the things that you write about and a lot of the times you have to go beyond what you're interested in and start doing things and writing things based on the interest of your readers. It's a lot of compromise here and there and with Tracing Nepal you have to really think about a lot of things like from health and safety to how you can make a difference a lot of other unique travel experiences out there. You have to be clever.