Mehr von Mondi Group

Alfons Kruse
„Das Spannende an meinem Job ist, dass ich jeden Tag mit Herausforderungen zu tun habe, mit sehr vielen Individualisten.“ Alfons Kruse ist Plant Manager bei Mondi in Steinfeld. „Ich bin zum einen der Werksleiter vom Werk Halle. Zum anderen bin ich Leiter von R&D von Produktentwicklung von beiden Werken.“

Michael Watz
“What's great about my job is that I work with people, I manage or train them, to make sure they get home safely. I love that personal aspect of my job”, says Michael Watz, Safety Health and Enviroment Coordinator at Mondi. “A normal working day starts with a plant walk-through, so that I can get a sense of people's mood, to find out their needs or how they're doing.”

Monica Anderton
“The best part about my job is working with a great team at the HR department, the other team that I get to work with is the leadership team in North America.” Monica Anderton is the Senior Vice President and Head of HR for Norh America at Mondi. “We have 12 plants, 1,800 employees and three business segments.”

Tobias Leitlinger
„Dadurch, dass ich vorher in der Technischen Akademie das erste Lehrjahr absolviert habe, ist das Coole, dass ich jetzt bei Mondi Frantschach die Möglichkeit habe, in der Firma richtig mitzuarbeiten. "Tobias Leitlinger ist Apprentice bei Mondi. „Nach meiner Lehre, also wenn ich sie abgeschlossen habe, möchte ich voraussichtlich einmal bei Mondi Frantschach bleiben.“

Alessandro Capelli
“I'm quite fresh in the company but very excited to be here”, says Alessandro Capelli, Sales Cotroller at Mondi's Group Office Vienna. “I'm responsible for sales controlling for containerboard and Kraft paper. My daily tasks are about checking the profitability of products or the markets and where Mondi should focus.”

Andrea Thuener
„Ich bin seit 19 Jahren bei Mondi. In meiner Abteilung sind wir eigentlich dafür verantwortlich, dass sich die Welt weiterdreht“, erzählt Andrea Thuener, Head of Market Support bei Mondi. „Der Kunde kommt mit seinen Anforderungen zu uns, möchte etwas bestellen, braucht ein Angebot und wir kümmern uns darum, dass ihm geholfen wird.“

Lore Staelens
“My main responsibilities are the recruiting of new people, but also payroll for everyone on site. I have a lot of conversations with the people who work at Mondi”, says Lore Staelens, HR Officer at Mondi Poperinge in Belgium. “Everything HR-related gets to go on my desk and I take care of it.”

Matej Ravber
“If you make mistakes, you aren't a fool. If you don't learn from the mistakes, then you are”, advises Matej Ravber, Operational Team Leader and Project Manager at Mondi. “I work in the Research and Development Innovation Centre. If production has a problem, they would like to make something better, we do all the appropriate analyses, we do the testing and then we report to Production.”

Patricia Krieg
“Each day I'm working on very different projects, for example the communication around different Mondi events and campaigns”, says Patricia Krieg, Communication Manager at Mondi's Vienna Group Office. “Apart from that, I'm also responsible for Group videos and photography. That means I'm working with external agencies, but also collaborate with our different departments across Mondi.”

Thobekile Mkhize
“I'm in charge of community development, driving social programmes, looking at the land reform issues of land ownership, and also a lot of stakeholder engagement”, says Thobekile Mkhize, Head of Land at Mondi Group. “It's an exciting environment because you know you meet people, you engage in new plans you grow together.”

Eva Hrychová
“The main responsibilities of my department is the designing and development of boxes. This work is creative, so it requires a lot of concentration and knowledge.” Eva Hrychová is Packaging designer at Mondi. “We work independently, but when we work with more demanding or complex jobs we work in a team, so we exchange advices or collaborate.”