Nina Willi
Praktikantin HR Marketing & Employer Branding
bei Bühler
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18 - 24
Höchste abgeschlossene Ausbildung
Universität / Fachhochschule
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Jahre in der Organisation
< 1
Jahre in der aktuellen Tätigkeit
< 1
„Das Coolste ist wirklich, Projekte zu begleiten und zu sehen, wie sie ins Leben gerufen werden. Wenn wir eine Messe planen und dann vor Ort sind“, erzählt Nina Willi, Praktikantin im HR Marketing und Employer Branding bei Bühler. „Meine Aufgabe ist es, uns als Unternehmen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu bewerben und uns als idealer Arbeitgeber bei Jobsuchenden und Absolventen*innen zu positionieren.“


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

The first would be that in addition to the school, you should also have a hobby that you enjoy doing and that gives you pleasure. Secondly, you shouldn't always compare yourself with others, but rather look and listen to yourself. And the third hint would be that you shouldn’t just think about the future but pay attention to how you feel at the moment and whether you are happy at the moment.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

My name is Nina Willi. I am an intern in HR Marketing and Employer Branding at Bühler.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

The coolest thing about my work is that I can really accompany the whole project and then see it coming to life. From the beginning until it's ready. When we plan a trade fair we are also on site and see who our stand looks like. We approach people and advise them. We can distribute the giveaways we have designed. Flyers that we created ourselves or that I made by myself, I can give to the people and therefore really see my product on the market. And that's very nice.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

In my internship I take over a lot of projects and responsibilities. This means that people who don't like being in the center of attention for tackling the project might have a little problem. The reason is that it takes a lot of individual initiative with an edge to carry out the project. And therefore you certainly need a personality that wants to tackle something.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

I work for Bühler, which is a global technology company dedicated to providing innovative solutions in the food industry and advanced materials industry. My position is in HR Marketing. We try to apply to the job market as well as possible and position ourselves as an ideal employer for job seekers and graduates. In HR Marketing it is my job to elaborate partnerships such as universities. We try to market cool programs and internships. This way we try to gather a good pool of talents from which the best are selected by us that are also motivated to contribute to a better world with us. A working day for me is very versatile. Of course I work a lot in front of the computer screen. That means that I have to process many email enquiries. I also have a lot of system-related tasks in our recruiting system. This is our platform which receives and stores all our worldwide applications centrally. On the other hand, I have many appointments with other departments. These are stakeholders that are in touch with HR. We visit fairs for various course studies on which we have to make a good impression to be able to pick up the right people that we need. Another area of my responsibilities concerns the Bühler International Management Trainee Program, which also our department belongs to. In this program I am the primary contact person for our management trainees who go through a three-year management program with us and are thus ideally prepared for their future career at Bühler. My responsibilities include the administration of training courses and other assistance and consulting activities.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

I grew up in St. Gallen in the region of Eastern Switzerland. That’s why I knew Bühler as a child already. I went to school as usual and decided to take the matriculation. Then I began my studies in the field of communication science. After my studies, I wanted to spend a year gaining work experience. For that reason I chose to do an internship and wanted to work in the field of business communication and HR. I was lucky to find such a cool internship at Bühler. I learned a lot here and gained a lot of work experience. I got to know a lot of people in an international setting. In September, I will start my master's degree in marketing at the University of St. Gallen. I was also lucky to be given the opportunity to continue working part-time at Bühler in my current department. I'm already looking forward to all the other tasks that I will work on here.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

Getting this internship is certainly possible without my career or studies. I could imagine that especially people who completed a commercial apprenticeship will find an entry into the HR sector. It is just important that you have an open and communicative personality. You have a lot of email conversations but of course you also communicate face-to-face or via telephone. We are also very present at fairs. So you should like to be present at such fairs and to communicate openly with people.

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