Hassan Mugne
Medical Doctor
bei Ärzte ohne Grenzen
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“I was working in a city with 46.000 inhabitants and I was the only doctor.” Apart from giving medical treatment, Hassan Mugne trained medical staff and managed the medical support on his mission. During the civil war in Somalia he was forced to leave and came to Austria seeking for asylum. “I am a person who is dedicated to give back. Working with MFS gives me this opportunity.”


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

First thing I will say do whatever you want, no restrictions, do whatever you like, second I will say that discipline is very important, third respect your parents, your teachers.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

My name is Hassan Yusuf Mugne I’m a medical doctor I don’t have a business card yet.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

The coolest part of the job is having direct contact with people and they give you their confidence and then trust, that’s the best part one of the best part and the other part is when you see that you’re making a change in someone else life or your saving someone else life then that’s also the coolest part, I think.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

I think one of the restrictions to work as a doctor in Austria is the language barrier, the language is very difficult. I mean, if your are younger age maybe it will be easy for you but the language in Uzbekistan one of the toughest will be the weather, for me the weather was very difficult because of the - 20, or minus -25 or above. In summer we had plus 50 or above, that was very challenging.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

My job is, currently or before I was working with MSF, so currently is direct contact with the patients giving consultation, making some laboratory analysis and supporting the patients and prescribing treatment. What we do in the neurology department we have a patients who come to us with different illness and what we have to do is that we have talk with the patient take the analysis and put the proper diagnosis. What we do is we send the laboratory the blood analysis and the we interpret it and tell, the patient what kind of disease he has. Sometimes we work in the stroke unit or the Intensive Care Unit. MSF was one of the bigger experience I ever had working in my medical profession, I was working in Uzbekistan a project which is about Tuberculosis, is epidemic and MSF was working in Uzbekistan for more than 10 years, I was working in a city which is almost of 46,000 people and I was the only doctor who was giving the care. You can imagine my mission was not just treating the patients but giving training to the nurses, giving training to the doctors and managing not only prescribing drugs but managing the whole region you can call it. We don’t stay only in the hospital we work in different, what do we call? Dots, or its small clinics just where the patients get the drugs, we work also in the hospitals, the government hospitals; we work with the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan Doctors. So we make rounds and that was the main function of my job.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

I was born in Somali and in 1990s we had a civil war in Somali we have to leave and immigrate outside of Somalia. I had the opportunity to go to a medical university in Ukraine and I gained my medical degree in Ukraine and post graduate of pediatrics Neonatology. Then I tried I have to give back the country and from something, then went back to Somalia and worked there in the hospital and I couldn’t accomplish what I should do because of the insecurity, then I have to come to Austria as a refugee asylum. When I was given permission to live in Austria I had the opportunity to attend to practice my medical profession at the same time I’m a person who’s dedicated to give back. I was thinking that there are people who are more in need than in … So I thought that maybe working with MSF will give me this opportunity, I decided to apply MSF to work with them. I was working with MSF a whole year in Uzbekistan and now since I came back, I’m attached to the Neurology Department in the Teaching Hospital in Vienna.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

The most important thing you should have the basics to do the job right? To do the job, you should have a medical degree and I think it’s not only having the medical degree you should be very much dedicated to what do you want to do. If you’re not convinced what you’re doing then the degree is only just a paper.

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