Peter Brandner
bei Braintribe
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“Sometimes people are really good in bullshitting, in telling you some stories and building up images of themselves. It will break down. You can not keep this.“ Peter Brandner values authenticity and enthusiasm and so he would recommend his 14-year-old self. The CTO of Braintribe knows which skills are essential for his job: “Communication is key, if you are working with people all over the world.”


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

First I’ll probably say, be yourself, don’t bullshit, it doesn’t pay off. Sometimes people are going to do bullshitting and telling you some stories and building up images of themselves which they are not and it will break down, you cannot keep this. If you really like what you are doing and you got the patience and you are fun, then the finally the results will pay off.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

My name is Peter Brandner and I am the CTO of Braintribe.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

The coolest thing of course is events like this so it’s hard work for two weeks to prepare everything and then being here like hitting the centre stage with the key note from our CEO and me presenting the tournament, winners that’s really something. It’s like the Oscars for us and that’s the important thing is we have this regularly.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

Limitations, challenges, there are like two sides of the coin. There are the business challenges and also the private challenges with time management and so on. Business challenges probably if you get to a customer you have a room full of people with lots of ideas but they don’t know how to get to the point of what you actually need and that’s exhausting being in a workshop for eight hours and you don’t get anywhere so this is sometimes frustrating and that’s a big challenge but you get used to it and find ways to bring people to the point but sometimes it’s really hard to do that. Challenges with the private life time is okay, the job and the time you spend on the job and also the time you spend with your family and kids but it’s a challenge that sometimes fail but when I fail it’s always for something maybe this event here that I am not home and then you see the results and it pays off and in the end its cool for everybody.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

Braintribe is Software Company from Vienna, so our headquarters in Vienna. We are working on enterprise software for enterprise customers. Our product is named Tribe Fire, we just launched it here at the Pioneer Festival yesterday and it’s all about combining the new world and the old world which is like the or the cold world. The new world is what the Pioneers is all about, startups, developers, the latest tech stuff that’s there and if they want to work together with the latest system and whole system and so on they probably have a problem so that’s where we kick in. In the middle, we are the layer that combines the connectivity to the systems and brings the data in an easy way to the developers like the pioneers here. My description is the CTO so I’m responsible for all the technical stuff that’s going on within Braintribe. I like tech stuff so being with the developers, making, building new ideas of the product of the product and so on. I also have quite a relation to business as well because I’m involved in business and sales and architect for enterprise projects so I keep touch what’s going on in the business and reflect that back to our products. A typical day looks like, reading, writing a lot of emails, having a lot of meetings, being in Skype sessions and so on because we have developers all over the world so we are working with people in Brazil, in Switzerland, in Germany, Slovakia, and of course on the North shore where is our headquarters.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

Pretty normal I would say starting from elementary school, then high school, then I went to a technical college each of these schools two times because I was moving a lot around Germany and Austria and then of course university, that’s how I came to Vienna, I think 15 years ago and start to study informatics and as a life was a project that came to us to program something and there was the money on the one side so we decided let’s stop university and start the project. This is how I got into a software company and this was growing and growing and now I’m here as the CTO for Braintribe.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

What’s definitely needed is a lot of passion, so it’s not like the latest understanding of the latest technology, you need to be adaptive and flexible and creative for this and communication is key if you are working with people all over the world and you definitely need to like what you are doing and if the people feel it then you get the drive going and the groove is flowing and even if its stressed, the preparation for pioneers is in complete chaos working till the morning, but in the end it pays of, everybody is really happy and so patience, creativity.

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