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Süreyya Ates-Genc
Leitung Investment Accounting
bei UNIQA Insurance Group AG
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„Glaub an dich, trau dich auch was zu machen, wo vielleicht andere denken, das ist zu gewagt“, ist Süreyya Ates-Genc, Leitung Investment Accounting bei UNIQA, wichtigster Ratschlag an ihr 14-jähriges Ich. „Die Abteilung Investment Accounting ist dafür da, um bilanzielle Themen im Zusammenhang mit Kapitalanlagen zu lösen. Wenn man in einem Bereich wie Bilanzierung arbeitet, ist es nicht schlecht, wenn man ein genauerer Mensch ist. Wir arbeiten im Team und es ist immer von Vorteil, wenn man gute menschliche Beziehungen aufbaut.“


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

Believe and trust in yourself to do something of which others think that it is too risky. Even if you have to endure a few steps backwards in life or something is going too slow it still is a meaningful and valuable experience and you will benefit from it later on in life in one way or the other.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

My name is Süreyya Ates-Genc I work at UNIQA as head of the Investment Accounting Department.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

Currently, the best thing about my job is forwhy I am able to access a great wealth of experience that my opinion is valued and I have the opportunity to further particular issues
... and to spark a change.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

Surely, one constraint might be that one does not have too much time for leisure since one has quite a lot of responsibility. I have a family, so they need to be understanding and one has to be rather well organised in order to make everything work.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

UNIQA is Austria’s largest insurance company branching out into life insurance, property insurance and health insurance. I am head of the Investment Accounting Department. At Investment Accounting, we solve issues in connection with capital investments. In the Department of Investment Accounting, we are responsible for the insurance’s assessment balancing, planning and reporting of capital investments not only in regards to local but standards of international accounting. At present, I do not oversee operative tasks but much rather supervise those. I am responsible for splitting tasks to make sure that my team does well so that we are able to keep up with our deadlines. I tend to employee dialogue and jours fixes. We do quarterly balances which means that we have the most work at the end of each quarterly peroid where everyone is asked to be present finalising their transactions. It is at these times that we see not to be busy with meetings but much rather tend to the afore-mentioned tasks and issues.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

After my A-levels I studied Commercial Science at Vienna University of Economics and Business. This course does not exist any longer as it was replaced by International Business Administration. Reaching the end of my course I specialised in international financial markets and investment banking. So to speak, this has been my entrance card to work at an insurance company. That is where I worked over the last ten years until I found this job at UNIQA
where I started as head of Investment Accounting in 2016.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

I have to admit that I am an apologist of academic training as one is able to build a framework as to how address issues. Academic training is a proper way to stay abreast of topics. One is able to learn about a vast amount of things, classify them, and access them whenever needed. In the sphere of balancing, it is a valuable trait of character that one is a rather precise person. Working in a team, it is a vital advantage to be able to build good interpersonal relationships including social skills.

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